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The Alphonso mango season in Maharashtra’s Ratnagiri area ends early.

KyraImEx - Exporters of Fresh and Dehydrated Onions, Fresh Potato, Fresh Garlic, Turmeric, Fresh Spices, Crunchy Nuts, Dry Fruits, Raisins, Apricot, Pistachios, Cashews Crunchy Peanuts and Fresh Soya Beans

This year’s Alphonso mango season in Maharashtra’s Ratnagiri region has drawn to a premature close, leaving enthusiasts disappointed. Known for its unparalleled taste and premium price, the season kicked off unusually early in February, much to the delight of mango lovers. However, contrary to expectations, the harvest is wrapping up ahead of schedule, with May 15 set as the closing date.

Despite the early start, prices have remained steep throughout the season. Initially soaring to Rs 25,000 per box in February, the cost has only marginally decreased, with Alphonso mangoes now priced at Rs 2,000 per box. Challenges persist in the Alphonso mango trade, including limited geographical availability and a brief harvesting window, contributing to the exclusivity and high demand for this coveted fruit.

As the curtains fall on this year’s Alphonso mango season, aficionados bid farewell to the fleeting delight, eagerly anticipating its return next year. Despite the challenges, the allure of the Alphonso mango remains undiminished, captivating taste buds and commanding attention in the world of fruit connoisseurs.

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